Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day 81 - Florence

Last night

I finally did something that I have been trying very hard not to do all trip: I locked my keys in the boot of my car. Whoops.

I called my car rental company and they were super efficient, they arranged for someone to come out to me in under an hour. Bearing in mind it was past midnight on Christmas Eve (so, yes, technically already Christmas) that's pretty impressive. Oh, and it only cost me $49!!

The guy turned up in a massively beat up million year old car, took one look at my car and said (gruffly) (did I mention he was quite gruff?) "I'll go get my tools" He meant business (gruff as he was)

He came back with a wedge like you'd use to keep a door open, a square inflatable thing with a rubber pump attached (a bit like a less sophisticated version of what they use to take your blood pressure) and a really long crooked wire (a bit like a thick uncoiled coat hanger) (my brother fixes everything with coat hangers so that's when knew he was a man I could trust) Within three minutes he had opened the driver's door which was great. Unfortunately it almost instantly triggered the alarm to go off which was slightly less great (as it was the middle of the night in a quiet neighbourhood which my aunt and uncle still need to live in next week!) He ended up using his long wire to unlatch the boot from the inside (via a hatch in the back seat) and we got it to stop wailing, thank goodness.


This morning I woke up and it had snowed! Like magic! Proper white Christmas! I was most impressed. Especially given how "unseasonably warm" the rest of the country has been, I was expecting a warm Christmas.

We all sat around the tree opening our presents -  I got a whole bunch of nice things (including loads of presents to open from my mummy who loves me lots) and loooooads of chocolate, I'm very happy.

Susie (my aunt/godmother) decided that we would save the planned Christmas lunch of roast pork til tomorrow because we had so many leftovers from yesterday which is awesome because it left lots more room for chocolate.


Today I've played cards and helped with a 1000 piece jigsaw and been to the movies to see Django Unchained which was really good but oh dear Quentin Tarantino can't act for toffee, can he?!? Good movie though.

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