Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 58 - Tampa to Fort Myers

Beach bum

Today I parked myself on a sunny beach for lots of hours. I slept most of the day, I was really tired from yesterday's long drive. 

Not a bad spot to spend the day...
Around five, when the sun was about to set and it was getting chilly, I settled in to a comfortable position to watch the sunset. 

To my surprise, carfuls of people started to run on to my otherwise deserted beach. Within minutes there were about fifty people and a white plastic arch are gathered a few feet away from me. 

Just before sunset I hear cries of "there she is!" (in Spanish- I think they were probably Cuban) and I turn to see a young woman in a sparkly white dress with a slit up her thigh walking towards the people. I realise she's the bride, mostly from her ceremonious "bride walk" (in her bare feet) As she arrives at the group of people they all start singing "na na na na na" (to the tune of the wedding music) which was hilarious because it was improvised and really out of tune but touching.

Looking nice, demure...

... whoa!!! Leg!!
Ten minutes later the sun had set, they were married, everyone got into their cars and drove away. It was nice.

In case you'd forgotten what I look like

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