Peabody ducks
This morning I arrived in Memphis Tennessee. On Levi's parents' recommendation I went to see an attraction that, from the crowd gathered there, I'd say normally draws children and old folk: the Peabody Duck March.
Many years ago (1933) a couple of drunk cowboys (have you noticed that when I'm not sure what someone is I make them a cowboy?) decided it would be funny to bring live ducks into the fancy Peabody hotel lobby fountain.
The next morning they were surprised to see the ducks were still there and even more surprised to see there was a big crowd admiring them. A tradition was born - the ducks live on the roof and every morning at 11am are brought down in the elevator and marched across a red carpet to the fountain where they spend all day. At 5pm they march back into the lift and back up to the roof.
Needless to say, this being America and specifically the South, there is some pomp and circumstance attached to all this. There is a Duck Master who wears a red coat with gold braiding. There is the announcement, the red carpet, the special sign for the elevator, the honorary Duck Masters (today Miss Memphis and Miss Shelby County) It's a huge hoo-hah and I loved every minute.
Here is a video, I'm not sure if videos actually work for anyone that reads my blog though:
And some photos in case it doesn't:
While I was there I got talking to Barbara from Florida:
Elvis is another "brand" (like Jack Daniel's) for which I had little time. I felt everything Elvis was a bit overdone and old hat. How wrong was I?!?! I LOVED Graceland! I loved that it was smaller than I'd expected (I think I was confusing it with Michael Jackson's house) I loved the clothes of his they had on display, I loved that they had 11 (ELEVEN) gift shops selling all sorts of overpriced tat, I loved learning that his huge aeroplane (the Lisa Marie) was transported through Memphis to his home much like the Endeavor was recently driven through LA. I fell in love with Elvis, his pelvis and his generous spirit. I took more photos in Graceland than I have of any other place I've visited so far. I planned on spending about an hour there and I came away four hours later.
This is the driveway, you wouldn't notice it if it weren't for the tourists |
(and the big blue sign down the road) |
For $36 you get a LOT of Elvis for your buck |
Is this smaller than you'd have thought? |
There's a lot of TERRIBLE fan art dotted around, here's an example |
Funny to think that he would have swum in this very pool |
Actual costume worn for "Aloha from Hawaii" a concert viewed by more people than watched the moon landing! |
One of many charity donations. This one for "Retarded Children" |
Platinum cassette!! |
The Jungle Room - green shagpile carpet on floor and ceiling! |
Waterfall feature in the Jungle Room |
The pool room with fabric on the walls and ceiling |
Blue and yellow TV room, mirrored ceiling |
Elvis' actual kitchen |
The upstairs (where he died aged 42) is out of bounds |
His mother's pink Cadillac |
This was a $250,000, 96 passenger, 4 engine jet which he spent $750,000 converting into a "flying Graceland" - pretty extravagant for someone who was scared of flying. He once flew his daughter to Colorado so she could see snow for 20 min. Also flew it to get peanut butter sandwiches halfway across the country. Because he could, I guess. |
Yes, that's gold in the sink on the plane |
And gold plated seat buckles |
Elvis' plane bedroom (covered in plastic to protect it from people like me I guess) |
TCB - Elvis' motto, Taking Care of Business |
A smaller jet, because one is never enough |
The Meditation Garden which Elvis had built for a nice place to hang out and where his father eventually moved his body to, after it being in a public cemetery caused too much hassle. |
I can't imagine how sad his fans must have been when he died |
"God saw that he needed some rest and called him home to be with him" |
Fried chicken
I'm no fried chicken expert or even lover but I felt I should try Gus's World Famous Fried Chicken and it did not disappoint. It was scrumptious - I'm very glad I did not have lunch today though! Having said that, the most exciting part of my dinner was that I had fried green tomatoes, like the movie! Sooooo good!!
Sorry it's another picture of food but it's FAMOUS food! (no, I did not manage to eat it all) |
Pilgrim House
The hostel I am staying in tonight is great. It's by far the nicest hostel I've stayed in on this trip. It is in a church and is very open and friendly (bonus - nobody has tried to convert me to anything!) They have a rule which is that you have to do a small chore every night like take out the rubbish or dust the A/C unit in your room. I have been asked to sweep the shared bathroom. Fun!
There are still the usual douches that have been here too long and have inside jokes and think they're the cool kids (for some reason these people always remind me of drama students) but so far I've not seen any homeless people and I don't think I will be finding anyone in my bed tonight (that happened in Nashville - I got back to the hostel late at night and had to kick someone out of my bed)
Tomorrow I am off to see the Mississippi up close and I can't hardly wait!
Video worked fine for me. I've gotten to stay at the Peabody's other, much newer location in Orlando, where they also have a family of ducks and do the same pomp and circumstance with them every day -- of course, there's no "organic" reason for them to do it, they only do it because it's what they'd been doing at the original hotel in Memphis.