Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 54 - Greenville to New Orleans

I hate drunk people

I specifically hate drunk men who insist on grabbing you in their drunken stupor to tell you that you have pretty hair. I especially hate them if they are doing this while standing in the kitchen at my hostel. Grrrr. I've had some unwanted attention in the South (much more than anywhere else I've been so far) but so far it's been pretty harmless -this takes the biscuit. He did it twice and if he'd done it one more time he was going to get a knuckle sammich. Ah well.

Farewell Mississippi

I left my homey lovely new family in Greenville this morning - not without being given all my laundry clean and neatly folded, a nice coolbag full of sodas and a general warm fuzzy feeling inside.


I went to Natchez, a very old French settlement with those typical antebellum mansions you see in all vampire movies. It was beautiful.

It took me a minute to work out why these stairs went nowhere

Rocking chairs! Makes me want sweet iced tea for sippin'

I love the gardens of these antebellum houses - they remind me of grand old English gardens

This photo is not blurry - the tree is covered in fluffy mossy stuff
This is a close up of the fluffy mossy stuff
The last time I saw one of these was in California - it's like a pinecone with red m&ms in it

This reminds me very much of "Interview with a Vampire"

Other bits

For sale in the visitor centre in Natchez
I dyed my hair birght pink by mistake... I like it though!
I'd never seen one of these in real life! (not sure it was terribly accurate)

New Orleans

I am in New Orleans now, really excited about all the cool things I'm going to go see tomorrow (unless I wake up and I'm a vampire of course...)