Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day 16 - Sacramento to Lake Tahoe

Oh Sacramento, I take it all back

This morning I went for a stroll, thinking I should give Sacramento another chance. After all, Saturday night is hardly the fairest time to judge a town's atmosphere now is it? Besides, a town that has this office opposite the City Hall must have something worth seeing:

I walked for blocks without seeing a soul, surrounded by big empty streets lined with big empty buildings. I'd share a photo but you might die of boredom.

Oh, ok, I'll show you ONE. Here's a typical example of Sacramento architecture:

I know what you're thinking. It's harsh of me to exemplify all of Sacramento's architecture with one ugly office building. But... this was the main entrance to that same building:

Aaaanyway, Sac slagging aside- I was wondering where all the people were. Then I found them all:

They were having a 5km walk for breast cancer and I'd stumbled across the finishing meet up point (at the Capitol) I think it's fair to say Americans have a different approach to things when it comes to charity runs- there were your typical fairies:

Lots of customised clothing:

But then, hilariously, this guy. Rapping. About breast cancer. Now, I know breast cancer is no laughing matter but when you get a skinny white guy rapping about it and - stroke of genius - forgetting his lines so having to check his paperwork, you have comedy gold.

In this video I only caught the tail end of his act (demonstrating some slick singing talent) but I hope it's enough to give you some "flava" and to show you why all is forgiven and Sacramento is back in my good books:

The road to Tahoe

I drove over some more mountains today. Lots of big trees, lots of great views:

Seriously California- snow?!?!?

I arrived in beautiful, sunny (did I mention beautiful?) Lake Tahoe at midday and was surprised to see that my hotel had a pool. I was even more surprised when the receptionist told me that they were about to empty it  because of all the snow they're expecting tonight. As I stood there in my tank top I assumed I'd misheard her.

I then went to rent a bicycle to go for a ride along the lake. Again, surprised to be applauded for being a "hardcore cyclist" for being ready to go out in this weather. I've never been accused of being a hardcore anything (certainly not anything sporty) but I kind of grinned and pootled off into the sunshine.

When I got to the Visitor Centre (still bright sunshine, worrying about getting sunburnt) I see this sign, warning of a snow storm. 

I point at it and ask the lady working there whether it's a local joke. "No dear, look out the window!" And sure as eggs- SNOW! I'm still a little bit in shock. And sunburnt to boot.

I love America

I feel I need to put into words how much I am loving America - I feel safe, I feel at home and I love the people. The fact that it often amuses me, well, that's just a bonus.

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